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The Power of a Strong Hook
90% of your time should be focused on this one thing when creating content for social!
Tell me if this sounds familiar, you spend so much time and energy developing your social media content, but you are still not getting the level of engagement you were hoping for!
The problem is our content is not capturing our audience’s attention.
And the way you overcome this challenge is by having a strong hook using the 4 step CORE formula!
Make it **Curious** – Pique the interest and intellectual -curiosity of your audience.
Provide an **Opportunity** – How will using your process or product make their lives better.
Make it **Relevant** – Utilize imagery and footage that connects with your audience.
Make it **Emotional** – connect with their emotions, their frustration, their joy, their excitement, their stress.
Once you start crafting strong and compelling hooks using the C.O.R.E framework, your audience will stop scrolling past your content on social media.
Time to level up!
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