
The Power of Color in Design

Author: sunandesignstg

There are only a few things in the design that are more powerful or subjective than the use of color.

When used correctly, colors can evoke powerful emotions and feelings in the viewer – sometimes the same color can have different effects on different people.

In design, color theory is not only a science and art in itself but one of the most paramount tools in a designer’s arsenal.

Knowing how a specific color will affect people is quite a valuable skill to master for both new and experienced graphic designers as well as business owners and marketers.


How does color work?

Color is all around us, and as human beings, we make associations between experiences and things.

This is why our brains associate different colors with not only various emotions and moods, but also with incidences, locations, and even brands!

Therefore, choosing the right colors for your brand or clients will not only boost sales but will lead to brand recognition.

People will know who you are and what you do just from seeing your colors – even from a distance!

However, using the wrong colors can also drive people away from your business or your clients’ businesses.

Choosing the right color

Your brand has (or should have) a personality and choosing the right colors heavily depends on that personality.

In most cases, customers prefer brands that match their personalities. As a design agency, we keep in mind that the colors you choose will bring in the customers that those colors attract.

But aren’t colors supposed to affect people differently?

Well yes, but there’s also something called ‘Color Psychology’ that comes into play.

As we mentioned before, human brains love to form associations with the world around them. And because brands have been using colors for hundreds of years, certain colors have become generally associated with certain buying behaviors.

Good examples are Green and earthy tones for organic food and healthy living, Yellow for fast food, Red for everything sporty, and so on.

The isolation effects

Another crucial factor to keep in mind is something called the isolation effect. This effect gets its name from the human brain’s tendency to isolate certain things out of a much larger picture.

As a designer or a marketer, color can help you use the isolation effect to your advantage.

Imagine an advertisement that has a grey and green color scheme. If you want to highlight something or make a specific part of this ad pop, all you have to do is use a bold complementary color such as orange or red.

A bold color will direct immediate attention from the background to the part in the red color.

In conclusion

Working with colors may seem tricky, but if you master a few skills it can become effortless and intuitive.

At Sunan Designs, we have years of experience working with colors and breathing life into otherwise dull or tired designs. If you need our help with such a project, our expert designers are only a click away!

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