
Find Your Super Power!

Author: sunandesignstg

Hey! Hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the next round of the Sunan Weekly Roundup!

What are we working on: This week, we dropped another exciting Sunan blog post. Our first blog post to start the new decade! And what better way to start than to provide some substantial value to our community. This week, we released “7 questions to ask your graphic designer”.

In today’s fast paced and ever-changing world, graphic design is an integral and critical part of marketing. Whether it’s your website content, social media campaign, or print media – you need a graphic designer to ensure the designs resonate with your target audience and represent your brand accurately.

To ensure that you don’t end up hiring the wrong person for the job, we’ve compiled a list of key questions that you should ask a prospective graphic designer/agency before you seal the deal. Definitely check out number two and let me know what you think! As always, we are ready to help and take your game to the next level!

Our next big thing: As I mentioned last week, we are going full speed with our new Sunan strategy. I’m really excited about this! I truly feel this new approach will be a game changer for our community. This will allow us to provide more value and amplify your message even further. We have gotten great feedback so far and will officially share the news with the Sunan community soon. Stay tuned!

My biggest takeaway this week: Find Your Super Power!

As cheesy as that may sound, it’s absolutely true.  Over the past week, I had the honor of reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. This is definitely an amazing read and I would highly recommend it to everyone.

Towards the end of the book, James Clear shares an amazing story from Scott Adams, the famous cartoonist behind Dilbert. Scott mentioned something that really got me thinking. He mentions that everyone has at least a few areas in which they can be in the top 25% with some effort. In Scotts case, he could draw better than most people but not at an artist level. He could come up with jokes but wouldn’t consider himself a comedian. Now with these two talents and his business background, Scott was on to something. As Scott mentions, the magic happens when you combine your strengths and turn it into something remarkable.

“When you can’t win by being better, you can win by being different. By combining your skills, you reduce the level of competition which makes it easier to stand out. A good player works hard to win the game everyone else is playing. A great player creates a new game that favors their strengths and avoids their weaknesses. (Clear, 2019)”

For Sunan, there are two things that we really enjoy and are great at, (1) Creating graphic designs and (2) implementing creative digital marketing strategies. Our strength lies in combining these two talents. By combining these two, we create unique brand designs that resonate extremely well by leveraging the digital marketing ecosystem of today. There are not many folks that specialize in this and by mastering our skill and craft, it will become harder and harder for someone to compete.

Now, I challenge you to find the few things that you can combine that will make you and your business extraordinary. Always remember, there is always room at the top!!

– Sajjad Husain, Founder & CEO

Clear, J. (n.d.). Chapter 18: The Truth About Talent. In J. Clear (Ed.), Atomic Habits. New York: Avery – Penguin Random House.

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Hey there! I hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the next round of the Sunan Weekly Roundup!...