
The Power of GIFs

Author: sunandesignstg

It’s 2020 and GIFs are taking over the digital marketing world. With each gaining twice as much attention as any other type of content, GIFs might just be the most engaging content on the internet today.

The internet’s most beloved image format has seen an ever increasing presence on social media networks, and marketers haven’t been slow to take advantage. Even giants like Samsung and Starbucks have incorporated GIFs into their marketing campaigns because they’re so effective.

So why and how exactly are GIFs so powerful?

Let’s find out!


1. They’re more engaging than anything else

If a picture can speak a thousand words, then a GIF is worth a thousand pictures. GIFs can contain much more information than just a text post or even an image. For an audience that prefers to consume visual content more than anything else, this is super effective.

Favoured even more than Instagram videos and stories, GIFs deliver a very strong emotional impact to your audience.Being so popular on the internet, they resonate immediately with the people they’re intended for.

As an added bonus, they establish your brand as one that people want to connect to, and learn more about. By adding GIFs to your social media campaigns tells people that your brand has a distinct personality and a focus on creativity – just the kind of attributes appreciated on the internet.


2. They add tons more detail

GIFs are great if you’re looking to market a specific product – you can show your audience tons more details than with a simple picture. You can highlight all of your products specific features in a format that is consumed much more quickly than a typical video or text.

Whether you want to show people all the different colors your product comes in, or even highlight one specific feature, GIFs are the best medium to do so.

More and more brands are harnessing the incredible magnetic power of GIFs to give their future clients quick, on-the-go demos that will eventually make them inclined to choose those specific products!


3. They tell your story

In a day and age where your audience is as concerned about your brand values as your products, GIFs are an incredible way to tell your story. In less than a minute, you can make people feel the exact way you want them to.

Because they are so highly consumed, GIFs offer the perfect opportunity to spread your message among large numbers of people. It adds a very human element to your campaigns to show that you’re not just a corporate robot.

GIFs make communication much more charismatic and engaging between a brand and audience. All you need to do is align your visuals with what your audience expects to hear, the emotions they need to feel and voila! You have a GIF that brings your audience closer to your brand.


All in all…

GIFs are probably the most powerful tool in the social media marketers arsenal, and if used correctly can generate tons of engagement for your posts and ad campaigns.

Confused about where to even begin making GIFs for your audience? Our expert team of designers is here to help! At Sunan Designs, we deliver only the best for our clients. So what’re you waiting for? Reach out to us today!

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